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Going strong in Montreal!

26 January 2011

We are winding down our trip in Montreal. Below are pictures of interviews we conducted with Mr. Arnold Dalfen, Mrs. Giniwish and Rabbi Zushe Silberstein. Tomorrow is our last day in Montreal…

Mrs. Gniwisch speaks about the Rebbe's involvement in the "The Jewish Institute for Brides and Grooms".

Mr. Dalfen spoke about his relationship he and his family enjoyed with both the Previous Rebbe and the Rebbe for close to 70 years! One story that sticks out is that Mr. and Mrs. Dalfen couldn’t have children and they asked for a brocha from the Rebbe. The Rebbe told him to go to a certain doctor.

After going to the doctor, the doctor told the Dalfens that there was no hope and they couldn’t have any children. Rabbi Kramer (Arnold Dalfen’s Rabbi) told the Rebbe the doctor’s prognosis. The Rebbe responded, “Let the doctor do what he has to do and I’ll do what I have to do…” Sure enough, the Dalfen’s were blessed with a baby boy.

Mrs. Gniwisch speaks about the Rebbe’s involvement in the “The Jewish Institute for Brides and Grooms”. Mrs. Giniwisch, Mrs. Schwei and Mrs. Feigelstock were the ladies involved in the organization.

Rabbi Silberstein spoke about the many French groups that he brought to the Rebbe through the many years. amongst many other things.

BH, at the Giniwisch home, we had a lot of room to work with.

Mr. Arnold Dalfen's first encounter with the Rebbe was when he went with his two uncles to visit the Previous Rebbe seudah (meal) for Acharon Shel Pesach in 1941.

Setting up interview with Mr. Arnold Dalfen. Notice the back light that separates between the background and interviewee.

At the interview with Rabbi Zushe Silberstein. Amongst many things, he spoke about the special attention that the Rebbe gave the groups of French Yidden that came to Farbrengens from Montreal.

Notice how we had to squeeze in the small corner of the house in order to give some more space in the background to create a shallow depth of field.


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