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Marvin Shuster interview & Rabbi Lipskar interview part I

Today we started our day at the Shuster residence interviewing both Dr. & Mrs. Marvin Shuster.We started a bit late, because Yankee Teitelbaum’s (our cameraman) flight got a bit delayed on his way back to Florida.

Mendy Alevsky and Dr. Shuster in the middle of an interview.

Dr. Shuster was a plastic surgeon who the Rebbe told that his job was to fix people on the outside and his wife’s job was to fix people in the inside. He spoke about his wonderful relationship with the Rebbe throughout the years.

Once Dr. Shuster was in New York staying at the Gansburg residence on President Street and he wanted to give the Rebbe and Rebbetzin a gift. So he went to the Rebbe’s house across the street and knocked on the door and an elderly lady answered. She introduced herself as the Rebbetzin’s cousin and housekeeper and took Shuster inside and talked to him for close to 30 minutes. Shuster went on to tell her that he has this beautiful secluded home in Miami and that he thinks the Rebbe and Rebbetzin should take a vacation at their house. The elderly lady turned to him and said “The Rebbe and the Rebbetzin don’t take vacations…”

When coming back to the Gansburg’s house, he retold his encounter at the Rebbe’s home saying that he met the Rebbetzin’s cousin and housekeeper and to his surprise Gansburg told him that there is no relative of the Rebbetzin or housekeeper living in the Rebbe’s home and that it was the Rebbetzin! Shuster couldn’t believe it!

Preparing for the interview with Mrs. Shuster.

In the late afternoon, we made our way to The Shul in Bal Harbor to interview Rabbi Sholom Ber Lipskar. We only got to sit with him for an hour and a half and we plan on doing Round II tomorrow.

Today, he touched upon the relationship the Rebbe had with Mel Landau and the building of the famous Landau school in Miami. The Rebbe was extremely fond of Landau saying that he thinks he might have even greater kochos (inner strength) than himself! Once, the Rebbe called for Rabbi Lipskar to make sure Landau put on Tefillin before the Rebbe went to the Ohel. And the Rebbe would not leave to the Ohel until he found out that Landau put on Tefillin. To make a long story short, Lipskar made sure it happened.

Lipskar also spoke about his parent’s deep connection with the Rebbe and Rebbetzin and how he was a young child when his mother, Rochel Lipskar escorted the Rebbetzin out of Russia.

Rabbi Lipskar in the interview in his office at The Shul.

Part two of Rabbi Lipskar’s interview will, IYH, take place tomorrow afternoon and we hope to spend another 4 hours with him.

Once in a while, our interviewees need a little touch up for the interview.

The Shuster home made it easy to make the interview look good.


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