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Day Six in L.A. – September 11

11 September 2011

Sorry for the delay but we are just so busy with the actual interviews, it is tough to catch up in writing about them.

Dr. Dauer's home is the perfect place for an interivew! An absolute beautiful home!

Yesterday, Sunday, September 11th, we interviewed five (5) people. We started our day at the home of Dr. Alan Dauer in Beverly Hills. Amongst many other experiences he shared with us, Dr. Dauer talked about a letter he received from the Rebbe about the need to focus his efforts on his medical profession. Dr. Dauer was a new Baal Tshuva trying to balance Yiddishkeit and his many roles in the medical profession. He wrote a letter to the Rebbe and received an answer saying that if he focuses on his profession that everything else, including Yiddishkeit, will fall into place. Very interesting insight.

We then ran to Hancock Park to the home of Yisrael Feiner and family who graciously gave us their home to use for the day. Yankee Teitelbaum quickly set up the room in record time of 25 minutes for an interview with Mrs. Channa Arnold. Mrs. Arnold spoke about the many, many answers she received as a teacher for close to 50 years!

We then interviewed Mr. Naftoli Deutsch, who was very involved in the building of the Chabad House on Gayley Road.

Mr. Naftoli Deutsch brought his family to witness his interview about his encounters with the Rebbe.

He spoke to us with vivid detail about his two yechidusen (private audiences) he had with the Rebbe. The Rebbe spoke to him about the creation of the universe and answered the many questions he had. Absolutely fascinating! I can’t wait to publish some of it in an upcoming Living Torah DVD.

Afterward, Mr. David Stauber came in at 3:00pm sharp to talk about his encounters with the Rebbe. He brought in his over 30 letters he received from the Rebbe! One dialogue between the Rebbe and David that stands out was his question to the Rebbe about why G-d was so ‘caught up’ in the nitty gritty details of Mitzvos. David was not a practicing Jew at the time and was very confused about why G-d was so interested in the details and if we don’t keep all of them, G-d will strike his wrath upon us…The Rebbe replied that the details of Mitzvos is not for G-d’s sake, but rather a channel for us to connect with Him! David walked out of the yechidus with a whole new outlook on Yiddishkeit and that began his path back to Yiddishkeit. There is so much more there!

Mr. David Stauber shuffling through the many letters he received from the Rebbe!

Finally at 5:00 pm, we interviewed Rabbi Zev Letinansky. He spoke about his many horaos he received from the Rebbe about how to build a school.

Stay tuned for more…

Rabbi Zev Letinansky reads a letter he received from the Rebbe in 1959. It was sent to him in honor of his upcoming marriage. In it, the Rebbe told him not to worry so much about how to provide for the family. The Rebbe told him to focus his first year on learning and everything will fall into place.

Many times during an interview, we need to tranfer the files of the previous interview to leave room for the next interview.

Being a teacher for close to 50 years, Mrs. Arnold told over her experiences with the Rebbe in vivid detail!

Mrs. Channa Arnold reading a letter she received from the Rebbe about the beauty of wearing a sheitel (wig).


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